UKM JURNALISTIK VISI DAN MISI UKM JURNALISTIK HANG TUAH SURABAYA VISION:Make students of STIKES Hang Tuah Surabaya more interested in writing journalistic works MISSION:o To become a student activity unit that excels in the field of journalistso provide an innovation forum for every latest news through mading, bulletins and magazineso magazine basic skill skills in fields other than medical STRUKTUR KEPENGURUSANo Ketua : Gaby Ika Septia Ranio Wakil : Yanuar Eka Prasetyao Sekertaris 1 : Renata Happy Maulidyao Sekertaris 2 : Inayatulo Bendahara 1 : Alisa Ajeng Permatasario Bendahara 2 : Mayang S. FILOSOFI LAMBANG UKM o Feather: symbolizes writing pen with ink. to write or record every latest newso Camera: document every event of the latest news and apply or be reported through the media of newspapers, magazines, bulletins and otherso Anchor image: symbolizes the identity of the stikes hang tuah which is under the supervision of the nala naval foundation JUARA YANG PERNAH DIRAIH o Juara 1 Lomba Edukasi Kesehatan Jiwao Juara 3 Lomba Fotografi “Culture of Indonesia” KEGIATAN UKM JURNALISTIKo Pertemuan rutin 1 minggu sekali di hari sabtuo Memperbaruhi mading kampuso Memperbaruhi akrilik kampuso Ikut dalam pendokumentasian setiap kegiatan kampus